hey i never actually greeted this new year but oh well better late than never right? so what is my new years resolution??
well just going on diet and reduce my weights to be healthy, will try to booze up my confident, will try to be accepted to as many Uni and i'll choose only one..
i'll try to manage my anger and to be a better muslimah i hope. :)bye 2013
the blogger
Thank you because willing to click the "about" button . Please lend me your time for a couple of minutes .

First of all , I am Pipie and I am from PAHANG . I am 18 years old , I will make my birthday wish on 01 November .

I'm not sure what is my blood type lol . I have a brother who I love so so much. I am a childish girl , who love to talk , shop , listen to music and texting with my friends a .

I love soft colour especially pink colour , it calm my heart every time I see it .
I learned alphabet when I was 3 years old ( I forgot the place's name )

Her Wishlist
1.Have my own lappy .
2.Have a purple room .
3.Marry the one I love .
4.Having a surprise anniversary party for me.
5.Get better and healthier me .
6.Love by everyone include my lecturer,friends,bf and family .
7.A candle light dinner for both of us.
8.Love all my flaws and embrace it.
9.Take care of my skin .
10.Know how to drive and have my own car