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2015.. going down memory lane.. a flashback of dark memories..
Its already 2015. wow. Im getting older years by years but am I acting like I supposed to? Do I act like 19 years old should act? to be frank, what is normal actually?

Right now, Im constantly flipping the magazines and I also watch a lot of Youtube videos.. One day, I stared at my own reflection. In this 19 years, how much have u change Mimi? Do u feel comfortable and happy being the way u are right now? Dont u feel that u need to change Mimi?

Our community generally set an image of thin woman as a healthy woman. Well, tbh Im not thin at all. I felt a bit ashamed of myself like torturing myself because the fact that Im FAT.

Yeah. FAT used to be an offensive word for me and yesterday I watched a video by lacigreen FATSHAME.. she make me realize that its okay to be slightly overweight. Its okay to look different than those models on the magazine. Its okay to be YOU. Just YOU.

well, I always been insecure with myself but since I entered PALAM.. I've met a lot of people who actually like me for being me. And I like to be around them too. I started to open up myself to others and tried to be more approachable. I like the 'me' now. Its like I change back into Mimi during her child phase.

Seriously.I remembered when I was in primary school I often be called name like NEGRO because I have dark skin. When you were little being called something like that was a blow. I became soo introvert and just start to create a world that I think I will be safe.

Sorry for having more melanin than u. Sorry that I have dark skin. Sorry that Im ugly and fat.I cried a lot even though I keep trying to smile and just act like nothing happen.But this is who I AM. I LOVE MYSELF JUST THE WAY IT IS! ITS MY LIFE NOT YOURS!

Why we judge people based on appearance? WHY?

Remaja Sekarang?
In the name of Allah the most gracious and merciful..

sejak kebelakangan ni laa semua gambar kt FB or Insta or Twitter pasal kekasih, i love u sayang laa but even worst all of them are muslim..

kalau dorg dh berkahwin skali pon silalah privacy-kn keintiman korg.. yg baru berjinak-jinak couple tu jgn laa melebih2 sgt..korg bukn main lg buat anak.. then buang mcm tu je..

Malaysian nowadays very irresponsible.. bukn nk racist ke ape tp ape nk jd ngn kaum melayu?? akhlak makin hancur.. makin leka..makin terikut2 budaya yg enth dri mana hujung pangkalnye...

saya akui skrg zmn IT sgt meluas... tp x pyh laa menayangkn aib korg tu kt laman sosial..
Allah dh menutup rapat aib kita napa nk tayangkn jugak??

no words can describe about those pictures but all i can say is Astagfirullah hal azim.. nauzibillah

kalau sya boleh menitik air mata melihat kehncurn remaja zmn sekrang apatah lg nabi kita Rasullullah S.A.W .. bukn xde kesedaran kt FB byk di-postkn video2 tp semuanya masuk telinga kanan keluar telinga kiri..

the only thing that we can do is DOA.. semoga si polan2 di ats ini diberi hidayah dn juga keampuanan dri Allah dn segeralaa berubah.. kita juga doakn agr Allah tetapkn iman kita agak kita tidak terikut2 seperti mereka.. amin.. InshaAllah

 saya bkan warak sgt sya masih kekurgn ilmu di dada masih mencri ilmu untuk mengisi kekosongn di hati saya ini.. tetapi tdak salah sekiranya saya menegur walaupun sya bukn ustaz dan ustazah.. its just my opinion and how i felt about all of this,,,

dulu aku pernah terleka
terlena dalam noda dosa
lantas ku tersedar 
ku bangkit 
ku berusaha
mengubah diri 
walaupun mereka mencerca
kerana aku adalah aku 
dan aku bukan mereka.
kenangan silam ku jadikn pedoman 
ku jadikn teladan
pengalaman mengajar kita 
untuk menjadi lebih dewasa
menjadi seorang manusia berguna 
 sekian sahaja warkah ini..

next chapter..
akhirnya habis sudah zaman persekolahn yg penuh kenangn manis dn pahit
btol ckp org bila dh abis sekolah kita akn rindu nk jd budak2 blik
yg pling sya rindu adlh kawn2

lumrah hidup ber-asrama x de kwn xleh nk survive
sbb kt asrama yg kita ada adlh org sekeliling kita je
parents dh laa duduk jauh stkat telefon tu boleh laa
tp kwn jugak laa yg slalu bntu kita bljr dn mengajar kita

masuk asrama kita lebih menghargai
lebih menghargai ibu bapa, family
kita lebih berdikari dn pndai menguruskn diri
proses peng-remajaan yg bgus

sekolah luar dn dunia luar skrg byk brubah mengikut arus barat
tetapi yg duduk di asrama InshaAllah dpt dihindarkn sbb kat asrama byk pengisian dn santapan rohani..
x semua asrama mcm tu dn x semua sekolah luar mcm tu
ade laa pros and cons dye pulak

tp best duduk asrama ni kita dpt kwn dri seluruh pelusuk malaysia..
dn kita bljr sesuatu yg bru..

mmg homesick tp kalau ade kwn sumpah rasa homesick tu kurang sbb korg rasa happy jee
kawan byk mmbntu laa.. mmg kawan sgt mmberi semangat dn perasang..

jd jgn pk msuk asrama x bagus.. best duduk asrama kalau kita memberi peluang utk adapt tp kalau kita x nk adapt tu yg sush

setiap ape yg kita buat ats diri kita sndri.. Allah hanya mmberi hidayah dn org sekeliling hnya mmberi dorongan maka kita lah yg kena melaksanakan..

permulaan baru akn bermula x lama lg rasa gementar smua ada bercmpur baur.. InshaAllah segalanya okay..amin


a friend
well a friend is a priority in someone life..
to have someone to always be there for u..

i have many friends and bff.. but tbh if bff A dont get along with bff B then just accept it and dont push it

they maybe our bff but they cant be bff with our other bff..
its just how human works actually

so my bff had just redecorate and editing my blog.. tyvm cause i love it.. its simple but at the same time beautiful to the max..

 lady dee jasa mu dikenang k? lol xoxo

there is one song from Demi Lovato
" the world comes to live and everything bright from beginning to end when u had a friend by ur side, who helps u to find when u open ur heart and believe in the gift of a friend "

friendship is beautiful.. but when u got bf/gf some friends may thought that u had forgotten about them.. actually it is wrong.. if u are a friend u should know better.. because a friend will always be there for u when u need them.. their gf/bf comes first because of that.. that's means they believe in u.. to always be there for them.. dont betray ur friends.. cause its very hard to find a true friends nowadays.. if that small matter affect ur friendship that's  means ur bond with him/her wasn't strong enough

i always have some arguments with my friends but eventually after every fight we always become closer than ever,.. thats what a true friend does..

xoxo see u soon my friends

flash back..
assalamualaikum w.b.t
just starting afresh with a new days ahead of me InshaAllah..
I've been reading my older posts and how naive plus awkward it is
Tbh my english isn't that great from the beginning but as I constantly using it I think I have improve a bit..
even a nano improvement still an achievement okay?

how do i improve my english?

first, i love to read very much,, read simply anything and everything.. and mostly i read english novels... so by reading somehow the rules that i've had learn become adapted by itself..

second, i watched a lot of tv drama and majority is english dramas and movies.. watching something u love at the same time learn from it.. its a good way actually.. u could observe how they pronounce it and i love hearing different slang of english

third, frankly speaking i just start from the bottom.. i bought Betty Azar's books and learn the basic again.. back to basic and slowly improving..

all of this takes time but it's worth it trust me..
we want to meet new people and we dont want language to be a barrier..

i think that's all from me..

xoxo bye

hey i never actually greeted this new year but oh well better late than never right? so what is my new years resolution??

well just going on diet and reduce my weights to be healthy, will try to booze up my confident, will try to be accepted to as many Uni and i'll choose only one..

i'll try to manage my anger and to be a better muslimah i hope. :)bye 2013

FASHION disaster !
well we're in this era and phenomenal where girls are tend to go crazy about fashion, make-ups and so many others..

to me as a girl yeah i also tend to follow the flow but seriously who're we going to fool. Make-ups beauty is not natural at all and u just simply covering up the natural beauty that Allah had given to us.

but darling do u want to be seen pale like a zombie?? i don't think so..

even though u can apply make-up to ur face but dolls please be calm with those colour and brushes ur face is not a colouring book.

just simply apply some moisturizer, bb-cream or foundation, some concealer, some powder, a little blush, and end it by applying tinted lip balm.. done.

its just for everyday routine. if u couldn't bother everyone staring at u but please do care about ur own image.. first impression explain thousand of words..

u don't want look like unhygienic person as we are ladies right?

so just try it and make urself feel more confident..

ABOUT FASHION.. omg, like seriously i'm blind about fashion because i never actually make an effort to wear anything other than my tudung bawals, slacks , and t-shirts..

i can't exactly wore a dress just to go and have breakfast with my family can i ?
but i normally do that when i'm on vacation with my family where no one that i know will come up and say hi to me..

living in this small town ur fashion to take trip down the slope because this is just RAUB for god sake.. u're wearing such glamorous outfit for what? attention seeker much?

i normally shakes my head when i saw those young girls wearing something i admit it's in trend right now like street fashion indeed but dolls u're fashion isn't quite blending in with this part of world.

just act normal and be normal.. it isn't wrong to be a fashionista  but please do it at the right place and time or else u're just walking around looking like a clown..

thats all from me about my thoughtful XX genes.. haha.. bye. hugs and kisses.  


Thank you for dropping by.These pictures are not taken by me. If they are, my name will be posted on them. I don't give credits to anyone because nobody knows who the real owner of each picture. If the owner wants credits, they should put their URL on their picture.All Rights Reserved

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    Diana design this skin by herself and get some help from them . A big thanks for them =