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2015.. going down memory lane.. a flashback of dark memories..
Its already 2015. wow. Im getting older years by years but am I acting like I supposed to? Do I act like 19 years old should act? to be frank, what is normal actually?

Right now, Im constantly flipping the magazines and I also watch a lot of Youtube videos.. One day, I stared at my own reflection. In this 19 years, how much have u change Mimi? Do u feel comfortable and happy being the way u are right now? Dont u feel that u need to change Mimi?

Our community generally set an image of thin woman as a healthy woman. Well, tbh Im not thin at all. I felt a bit ashamed of myself like torturing myself because the fact that Im FAT.

Yeah. FAT used to be an offensive word for me and yesterday I watched a video by lacigreen FATSHAME.. she make me realize that its okay to be slightly overweight. Its okay to look different than those models on the magazine. Its okay to be YOU. Just YOU.

well, I always been insecure with myself but since I entered PALAM.. I've met a lot of people who actually like me for being me. And I like to be around them too. I started to open up myself to others and tried to be more approachable. I like the 'me' now. Its like I change back into Mimi during her child phase.

Seriously.I remembered when I was in primary school I often be called name like NEGRO because I have dark skin. When you were little being called something like that was a blow. I became soo introvert and just start to create a world that I think I will be safe.

Sorry for having more melanin than u. Sorry that I have dark skin. Sorry that Im ugly and fat.I cried a lot even though I keep trying to smile and just act like nothing happen.But this is who I AM. I LOVE MYSELF JUST THE WAY IT IS! ITS MY LIFE NOT YOURS!

Why we judge people based on appearance? WHY?


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    Diana design this skin by herself and get some help from them . A big thanks for them =